
Gogotur and Apshina

Gogotur and Apshina (An old tale) I They say: Apshina from the village Blo, Of the Mindodauri name, Takes from the righteous and the rogue, A skilled hand at the shield game, His Tcherkho filled with countless stirrups, Like a khan’s treasury full of fame. How many times the lord did plea For him to […]


For George Leonidze. By Vazha-Pshavela (translation by me).

For the first time, in adolescence, When I was just starting to open my eyes, Weeping, while catching the essence, Of my homeland, agonized- I was searching desperately, For a helping hand, delicately, Nobody was a guard, For our oppressed land, So, I started weeping harder, I was bursting into tears, as if I was […]


Cosmopolitan patriotism during the crisis

 “Patriotism, just like life and the connections with it, is present within one when they are born into this world; it contains pieces within itself that a no sane human can deny and those so-called pieces show themselves in mother language, historical past, historical territories, in the faces of famous figures, literature and so on. […]


Vazha and the mountains of jazz, part I

part I “Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child” is a Negro spiritual written in the late nineteenth century that echoes the slavish existence of African-Americans during those times. Pier Paolo Pasolini used this melody in his film, “The Gospel According to St. Matthew”, in a scene which pictures shepherds coming to see infant Christ. […]


Lost in the picture theory of language

According to the Austrian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein in his only book-length philosophical work “Tractatus”, author’s views about logic and linguistic led him to believe that some features of language and reality cannot be expressed in a senseful verbal manner, but only “shown” by the form of certain expressions. It is not uncommon to encounter such […]


The son of nature

“ Every genius is nourished by his native land. Geniuses are those who can be received by other nations like their innate sons,” Writes famous Georgian poet, Vazha-Pshavela in his iconic essay, “Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism.” Little did he realize that he himself was the personification of all this: A genius, whose work accurately portrays the divinity […]


(dedicated to Shio of the Cave) Receive this small offering From your brother,- My heart aches as well, I know the feeling of being oppressed by the enemy all too well, Teach children by using their means, Those tunes, that are close to the heart, The love for nature and greens, And our ancestor’s way […]


Oh, how pitiful is the violet, That came to be on mountains! Wretched, always harmed by cold, Or stricken by lightning, on its top; God gave the pitiful, A short lifespan, In this realm, for its loveliness, A mere second of existence, is the plan, When violet starts to wilt, “Oh!” to god, it will […]

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